Bread for Meals

Check our lineup of breads that will enhance your dining table meal. Great with cooled meals and wine.

  • Croissant


    Our creation of supreme confidence. Richly flavored croissants using cultured butter.

  • Brioche


    Baked with dough containing lots of butter and eggs.

  • Plain bagel

    Plain bagel

    “Yumechikara” brand wheat grown in Hokkaido is used. Glutinous and resilient texture is the perfect fit for both toast and sandwiches.

  • Walnut, raisin

    Walnut, raisin

    Raisins added to country bread dough that contains lots of walnuts.

  • Pain de seigle

    Pain de seigle

    Campagne that contains whole-grain rye. 30% rye (compared to flour) is used. A flavor and taste characterized by the unique rye taste.

  • Roggenmischbrot with currants & cranberries

    Roggenmischbrot with currants & cranberries

    65% rye (compared to flour) is used. Dry cranberries and black currants kneaded into sour tasting dough that uses rye, which is baked with oatmeal as a topping.

  • Roggenmischbrot


    65% rye (compared to flour) is used. This is a sour tasting bread contains rye. Its dough is moist, fine, and resilient.